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Senior Pictures with Books in Columbus, Ohio; Maely's Senior Portraits Part 2

Maely came to me all the way from Missouri, so I really wanted to give her something different and unique that she didn’t have back in her city. When she mentioned that she loved to read but wasn’t sure how to incorporate that into her session, I had just the idea! And how perfectly did it work out!

senior picture with books in Columbus ohio

We had already spent the first half of her session in the theater, as this is something she spends a lot of her time doing. Now it was time to get outdoors and show off other parts of her personality and interests!

Senior Photos at the Book Loft

In the heart of German Village is the absolute CUTEST independent book store called the Book Loft. And I mean seriously cute! Even if you don’t like reading, you will be inspired to start and certainly want to buy all the books just by walking through. The smell of the paperback books, the warm glow of the lighting above, and the calm atmosphere with little benches for reading make the best setting for any book-lover.

reading senior picture westerville ohio candid

I would say Maely was pretty excited to experience this gem of a shop, and we could only leave with promises to return before she heads back to Missouri. There were plenty of books placed outdoors for easy browsing in the warm Summer air, and I love some of these shots that we got during that time. Her personality really shined through as we took a few minutes to relax on one of their perfectly-placed benches.

senior picture ivy Columbus ohio

Senior Picture Crossing the Street

One of our main must-have photos from this session was one of her crossing the street. While it sort of reminds me of the Beatles 1969 Album Abbey Road, it really came to be from Maely’s vision of standing out among the busy street and basically taking up space as the world stopped for her photo. I love how it turned out! I feel like there is so much symbolism in this one image but I’ll save that for someone writing a college paper. For now, just check out her confidence and joy and see if you can spot her favorite hidden store in this photo!

senior on crosswalk in Columbus ohio

Senior Photos on Brick Streets

One of the defining characteristics of German Village in Columbus, Ohio is the historical brick sidewalks and roads. Of course we had to take advantage of some of the brick during her senior photo session, and it turned out that one of these made her album back cover! By the way, if I haven’t mentioned recently how much I LOVE albums, I am practically obsessed. Albums are my very favorite way to enjoy session images all in one place.

senior picture in German village near westerville

senior picture sitting on brick sidewalk against building in German Village in Columbus, Ohio

Senior Portraits at Schiller Park

As long as we were in German Village, it made sense to stop by Shiller Park for a few images with a little more of a park setting. This iconic park is home to an outdoor stage which hosts community theatre events all Summer long (including the day of our session)! This is perfectly fitting for a senior whose session started at a theatre due to her love of acting!

senior picture near water near westerville ohio

We stopped by the pond and fountains as the golden light peaked through the trees behind her. While it can be a crowded place, I always look for the right angles to make it look like my senior is there alone (ok, sometimes I have to edit out a handful of kids). But I always aim to get things right in camera. I have a lot of teens wear flannel with jeans but with a dress it creates a casual feminine look that I’d like to see more often.

senior photo golden light near Lewis Center ohio

Maely, I hope you had half the fun I did during your senior portrait session! You had me laughing in German Village, and wanting to tear up holding that photo of your pup. Your creativity and kindness is going to take you far. Ready to book your own unique senior photography experience? Let's talk about all of your interests and what we can do to make your senior pictures reflect YOU!


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