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Senior Pictures for Thomas Worthington Senior.

This session for Thomas Worthington senior, Cameron, took place on a late Fall day. When the leaves begin to fall and the park becomes less colorful, it gives me more of a challenge to find the best setting for each photo. In some cases, like this day, I look for whatever remaining leaves and color are on the trees but I also filled in with variety from the architecture form this Gahanna setting where his senior portrait session took place.

Columbus senior picture with reflection in glass

I love this little spot for the shot above. Seeing his reflection in the window of this casual photo gives it a fun and unique vibe for an outdoor location.

Columbus senior headshot photo of guy in blue

Speaking of fun, and finding pops of color, what about this blue chair?! I LOVE how well it works with his blue shirt and his joyful expression is just perfect for this spot.

One thing like about the Creekside area in Gahanna is the sheer variety of photo spots aside from only the park. This little area has water flowing during the warmer months of the year, but on this day it was the perfect place for him to stand for a picture without getting wet. And it isn't too far from Worthington, so a great place for Thomas Worthington High School seniors to consider when planning their session and choosing a location.

best senior photographer for guys in Columbus photo of senior against wall

Thomas Worthington senior picture headshot from Columbus senior photographer

Senior Pictures in Nature

We spent some time walking through the woods and looking for creek views and leaves. Since Cameron likes the water and nature, it was natural that we chose to do some photos where we had water in the background. I like using natural structures like rocks for posing in nature.

Thomas Worthington senior picture in nature creek by Columbus senior photographer

Of course I also had to sneak in a close-up while we were here!

Thomas Worthington senior photographer headshot by creek water and nature

After that we found a bench for some photos where we still had a bit of Fall color remaining. We actually did a ton of variety in this little area so we could really make use of the color that we did have. It gave his session as a whole a Fall vibe even though at a first glance of the outdoors you wouldn't expect to find such variety due to the time of year. Cameron's final image selection reflects an unexpected Fall feel, which is exactly what we were going for!

Fall senior pictures for Thomas Worthington senior on bench in park

This is the result of choosing a photographer with a creative eye to best use the available surroundings to meet your vision. Check out this photo from the bridge below! More Fall leaves in the background and a great use of the bridge railing. Cameron looks so natural hanging out here and again I just love the expression on his face.

Senior photo of guy on bridge from Thomas Worthington High School

And one more of this Thomas Worthington senior before we wrap up. His outfit choice worked well within the setting and helped to put it all together. I had a great time with him laughing and chatting as we walked through the park, and I hope his senior year was everything it should have been!

Best senior photographer near Worthington against wall in park

If you are looking to create a session just for your senior, let's talk! We offer a variety of session options at the best locations in the Columbus area. We'd love to customize something just for you!


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