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Formal Senior Pictures Downtown: Nick's Senior Session

When Nick's mom reached out to schedule his senior portraits, she knew right away he wanted to take advantage of the views of downtown Columbus and one of the buildings down there where he hopes to work one day. I said absolutely and knew we were going to have a great time down there documenting his senior year! The Scioto Mile area has so much to offer, and for a teen guy to know where he wants to do his session, I knew this was going to be the perfect place!

Westerville senior in blue suit downtown Columbus

Downtown Senior Pictures in a Suit

We started Nick's session with him wearing a nice blue suit and blue bowtie. WOW! He looked super sharp and it was a great outfit to wear against the green grass, plants, and river. We actually started with family photos first, with the whole family dressed up. We love including siblings, parents, and pets! It really makes the most out of your time since you are already getting ready, and gives you more options to choose from when picking your favorites later!

homecoming suit downtown Columbus in senior picture

Sunglasses in Senior Pictures Downtown

I mean how can we NOT love sunglasses in the senior pictures! Such a fun way to add some extra personality to his look. Plus it is such a fun and youthful vibe!

senior picture with sunglasses in Columbus, ohio

Summer Outfit by the River in Downtown Columbus

We had Nick's session on a warm Summer day, so it made sense to wear something a little more casual with a warm-weather look for a few!

senior picture in shorts near Scioto Mile

Ivy Wall Senior Pictures Downtown Columbus

Nick seriously rocked the model look once he put on the blue shirt. No denying blue is a GREAT color for him! The ivy wall behind him really made his royal blue shirt pop!

Westerville Central senior picture by ivy wall in Columbus

And this below is one of my favorites from the session. I like a good smile but I also enjoy seeing seniors pull off expressions like this! What a great session!

sunset senior picture in Columbus golden light

If you are still looking for a senior photographer to cater a session just for you, I would love to talk more about our session experience! I believe each senior is unique and each session should be, too. Get in touch here and we can talk more about what you are dreaming up!


All images and rights are of the exclusive ownership of Westerville Senior Photography and HLND, LLC.

Unauthorized publishing, reproduction, and general use without explicit written permission is strictly prohibited.

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