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Casual Senior Photos in Downtown Columbus with Collin

Our most popular senior experience allows for multiple locations, but sometimes families choose to stay at only one for the duration of their senior session. This can actually be a great benefit as we can move at a slower pace and do more spots at the same location. Collin decided to do this for his session in Downtown Columbus and it was perfect! With the bridges, buildings, river, and structures in the area, there is so much to use for posing and backdrops that we had plenty to keep up the variety during his session.

senior downtown bridge at sunset in Columbus ohio

Jeans & a Flannel for Senior Pictures

One of the most popular looks right now for senior pictures is to wear a flannel with a tee shirt and jeans. It's a casual look that shows off the style of today's teen (well, when they aren't wearing athletic-wear). It fits with the downtown casual vibe as we went under the bridge and along the sidewalks near the river. A flannel makes a great item to wear because you can do photos with and without it and you don't need to do an entire outfit change.

Westerville senior pictures in Columbus wearing flannel

senior pictures in t-shirt with Westerville North High School senior

Wrestling Letter Jacket

There are many ways you can show off wrestling as your sport of choice in your senior photos, but one of my favs is to simply wear a letter jacket. Westerville North High School students either have a maroon (technically cardinal) letter jacket or this nice black. I like that Collin chose the black because it looked great on him and was a nice contrast from the brick and sidewalk surrounding him in this urban setting. Senior pictures are the perfect place to sport your letter jacket and they will last long after you stop wearing it.

Westerville North letter jacket senior picture

The other common way to show off wrestling is to showcase your wrestling singlet and/or gear. Here we found a way to display those items without wearing them, but the letter jacket stayed!

Westerville North High School wrestling senior pictures in downtown Columbus

Casual Tee Shirt and Jeans

One of my all-time favorite looks for senior guys is a tee shirt and jeans! While sweatpants are often favored over jeans, they do look good with basically any shirt and any location. The dark blue with this lighter pink tee was a great combination. Plus, when you are an athlete that spends hours upon hours conditioning, a short sleeve shirt is a great way to show off the time spent building arm strength.

senior photo in downtown Columbus of Westerville North senior

Athletic-wear for Senior Pictures

Sometimes I have parents that question whether or not their son should wear sweatpants, shorts, or a sweatshirt or hoodie for photos. My answer is always YES! This is truly the style for today's seniors, and I think having photos that authentically represent seniors is the whole point. Often these photos actually become the favorite, which I believe is the case with this session! They are definitely some of my favorites.

senior picture in sweatshirt on a bench downtown of Westerville senior

senior picture in front of ivy wall of Westerville senior

It started with a sweatshirt, but then he wore a blue tee up on the bridge at sunset and the color contrast was nothing short of ideal! The blue against the orange was perfect, and the blue against the city as blue hour approached couldn't have been timed any better.

Westerville senior picture at sunset

Columbus skyline senior picture

Working with Collin and his mom on his senior session was a truly wonderful experience. Not only was he a photogenic guy, but I could see that he was also hard-working and determined. Collin was friendly right from the beginning and was so easy to get along with. He's definitely going to make a difference in some lives whether it be through athletic training, physical therapy, or whatever else he puts his mind to. He and his mom were genuinely kind and caring people, and I am lucky to have gotten to work with them this year!


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