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Baseball Senior Pictures in Columbus, Ohio

Ahhh senior year - bottom of the 9th and you are READY to graduate! If you spent a lot of your high school career on the ball field, this is the best place to start your senior pictures! Although it is FULL SUN, there is so much character on your high school field that it shouldn't be overlooked. I highly recommend choosing a time of day when the sun won't be in your eyes while you are trying to smile, though, or preferably toward the end of the day when the sun isn't so bright.

Columbus area high school senior picture baseball player in uniform wearing glove

Creative Baseball Senior Pictures in the Outfield

The outfield is one of my favorite places on the field. You have a great, wide view of the entire diamond, the stands, the dugout, and the fence line. We headed out with a ball and a glove for a few poses in his baseball uniform.

creative baseball senior picture pose with glove over face in Central Ohio

This pose below was actually his idea and his signature move! I love to incorporate anything that seniors come up with because that tends to showcase personality, which is kind of the whole point. I also enjoy taking shots that include some type of action.

Central Ohio senior photographer baseball senior picture tossing ball and wearing red uniform

Pictures in the Dugout

This may not be the first place you think to take senior pictures because it isn't where the action takes place. BUT, while the game itself doesn't happen there, the memories sure do! Hanging out with your teammates cheering on the game and waiting for your turn on the field... plenty happens there.

senior picture in baseball dugout wearing glove and holding ball in uniform near Columbus Ohio

Pictures on the Bench

Much like the dugout, memories are made on the bench! Only seems fitting to take a few shots there as well. I like the field in the background, too.

Westerville area high school senior picture baseball on bench wearing uniform

Groveport Madison senior picture of baseball player in uniform on bench looking out to field

Senior Pictures with a Baseball Bat

Last but not least, no baseball senior portrait session would be complete without a few photos with your bat! Whether it is a traditional pose, an action shot, or something more casual, it brings the photos to life with a little something extra when you hold a bat.

Senior pictures near Westerville and Olentangy baseball in uniform holding bat

traditional baseball pose of high school senior leaning on bat wearing red uniform

Let's make your senior session a home run! (Promise it will be better than that joke!). If you are looking for an experience that is fully customized for you, let's chat. Just looking for inspiration for now on an athletic session? We've got you covered!


All images and rights are of the exclusive ownership of Westerville Senior Photography and HLND, LLC.

Unauthorized publishing, reproduction, and general use without explicit written permission is strictly prohibited.

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