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A Unique Urban Location near Westerville for Ian’s Senior Session

We planned Ian’s session for late Fall, after the soccer season had ended. This is what most Fall athletes and marching band seniors will do because their schedules are just SO busy form August through October. He opted to go to a unique location to the North where most of his classmates don’t go, and it was a great choice! We also spent some time in his high school stadium for his senior pictures so he could show off his time as a varsity soccer player at Westerville North.

A Unique Urban Setting for Senior Pictures

Unique locations set the stage for senior portrait experience that is different than what everyone else has. We actually planned to start the day at his high school stadium for his senior pictures, but due to a scheduling conflict at that location, we decided to start up in Delaware instead.

Urban senior pictures near Columbus and Westerville

At this fun spot, we started outside a little corner coffee shop on the main drag through Ohio Wesleyan’s campus area where the walls are colorful, fire escapes are plentiful, and pedestrians are everywhere. It was a college town vibe perfect for senior pictures. The blue walls made a fun backdrop in contrast to his orange-tone flannel.

We found so many colors of brick which gave us a lot of options to work with as he wore a few different outfits during his senior session. I love when seniors are willing to change a few times as it allows us to come away with more variety during a session and also shows off different sides of their personality. A basic white wall is always a yes!

senior pictures on white wall in Westerville

Fire Escape Pictures

Fire escapes are always a favorite of mine. They are unique to older buildings like these so you don’t see them everywhere and allow for a lot of posing options for seniors. This specific fire escape has some extra character with the wood boards in between the step treads. I love the color of the brick on the building against Ian's flannel.

Columbus fire escape senior pictures high school senior

Columbus high school senior headshot photographer on fire escape

trendy senior photography near Columbus on fire escape edgy urban photo

Brick Backdrops for Senior Photos

Seriously so many colors and patterns of brick and for Ian’s session. I loved them all and I was glad he was a great sport when it started raining so we could finish our session up there strong. It is very rare that I actually experience rain during a session. We watch the weather carefully leading up to the session and make decisions based on weather all the time. But this day it came out of absolutely no where and wasn’t even on the radar while it was raining! We took cover under an overhang and finished the session shortly afterward.

Best senior photographer for guys in Columbus ohio senior headshot outdoor

outdoor senior picture near Lewis Center ohio

serious senior picture of high school guy near Lewis Center

Westerville North Soccer Stadium Senior Photos

Since the rain came back with no end in site, we had to reschedule the second part of his session for another day. When that day came, it was COLD! But we were able to work quick, and have him wear his letter jacket for a few photos so it wasn’t that bad. In the end we were able to document some of his time on the soccer field which I think is so important because it was a big part of his time in high school. Not only did he spend hours upon hours on that field, but his family spent hours in the stands watching his games! I am happy I was able to photograph him there so they could all remember that time.

Westerville North Jim McCann stadium

Always need to hit the bleachers if they are open! It is a great location for showing a different perspective and usually shows the school colors as well! Bringing the soccer ball up there makes a reference to the sport even without being on the stadium field.

Unique soccer senior picture with ball near Westerville

I love doing fun and unique shots!

Victory bell at Jim McCann stadium in Westerville with high school senior

THE VICTORY BELL! Photographing near the victory bell is one of my favorite things to do in the stadium. After winning so many soccer games and getting to ring the bell, it is only makes sense to do a few senior pictures over there as well!

Westerville North varsity soccer senior in uniform at Jim McCann stadium

WNHS varsity soccer player high school senior photo unique action shot

Westerville North stadium scoreboard high school senior picture

Ian was a lot of fun to photograph. Not only was he chill about the weather – both the rain and the cold - but he was funny, too! I know he is going to have a bright future wherever he ends up next year. Hopefully soccer will still be a part of his life in some way, and I hope to get an update in the future as he makes a difference in this world. Congratulations on senior year, Ian!

If you are still looking for a senior photographer for your athlete, (or non-athlete) let's talk!


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